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March 12, 2010


40 days of water fast are over, what an achievement.
Back on January 14th my husband was overweight, lived with constant back pain and limited mobility, and had a severe untreatable psoriasis/eczema in both his hands and feet. He had other complains that we didn't even consider, like short breath, excessive sweating even when immobile, he had a weak voice and used to choke when swallowing, he had boils specially on his back,  most of his joints were painful, and he used to snore loud enough to keep our newborn awake. He also used to complain about a sharp pain when taking a full breath, and he had chest pain from time to time. He had a severe allergy, and used to catch a cold just by changing his sweaty shirt.
Today March 12, less then 2 months from the day he started this journey, my husband is a completely different man, his goals were to lose weight, recover his mobility and get his psoriasis/eczema under control.
Here are the results:
-Today he weighs 201 pounds, he lost 53 pounds.
-His mobility is back to normal, just a little bit of discomfort in his back.
-His psoriasis/eczema looks like almost cured.
-and as a bonus all the other complains that i mentioned earlier disappeared like magic.
If i had to describe the results in a couple of words, i will say my husband's experience was a TOTAL SUCCESS.
What is amazing too, is while he was doing the cleansing and the water fast, we all benefited from this experience, we eat healthier, we have more energy, and we feel great.
Now it is your turn, leave disease and weight behind, shape up and enjoy your life, do a Master Cleanse, do a Water Fast, or do a 3S Diet, feeling young again is just a few days away from now, don't wait any longer, good luck.

March 11, 2010


The countdown has started, in few hours my husband will achieve something near impossible. A Water Fast for 40 days.
Are you convinced yet ?, Water fast is a healing, a cleansing, and a curing fast. A period of time that gives your body a chance to recover from years of abuse, it is like giving your body a time of from storing, and a time for cleanup.
If you didn't start your fast, try a master cleanse, or try the 3 S Diet, at least do something to get out from what ever you are in, and give yourself a chance to get better and feel better, and remember time goes fast spend it wisely.

March 10, 2010


Today is day 38, i am proudly saying, my husband has won this challenge, a couple more days and this journey will be over, what a ride?
For all of you out there still waiting to make a change, and to say enough is enough, you can do it to, don't waste anymore time, don't wait until your body completely falls a part, then it will be even harder to change, do it now, at least do something, and remember my husband did it and so can you.

March 9, 2010


Day 37 today, 3 more days to go. My husband is counting the days, and can't wait to be done with this.
Nothing special to report, he feels good physically, but exhausted mentally.
You have to admit that, forbidding yourself for something as essential and as comforting as food is probably the most extreme sacrifice that one of us can do to be healthy, the strength needed to accomplish that exceeds any known challenges. 
Food is the ultimate source of survival, we eat when we are hungry, we eat when we are stressed, we eat eat when we are depressed, and we eat when we are happy. Our lives are surrounded by food, even the daily schedules are planned around eating times, we eat when we are lonely, we eat in gatherings, and all occasions are filled with food, so how can a person stop eating completely for 40 days? the answer is, if you are determined and convinced that it is the best thing to do to get your life back, yes you can.

March 8, 2010


4 days to go, and my husband will be able to enjoy something else then water.
Let's talk about you for a change, how are you ?, Did you make any adjustments concerning your diet? Are you eating healthy? , Did you do a master cleanse yet? , Are you considering a water fast?, Or at least a 3 S Diet ? Was my blog helpful ? Did you find any interesting tips? 
Who ever you are? let me know if there is any additions or changes or questions that i didn't answer, and help me help you get back on track and feel young again.
Ask your question, i am hear to answer, and i am hear to help.

March 7, 2010


5, 4, 3, 2, 1 the countdown is closer to the end, my husband is very excited, and very proud.
In few days, he will start introducing food, at first only juices and soup and then slowly more complex food will be added, meats will come last.
Remember what we talked about, eating healthy from now on, is the key to stay away from diseases, and be in a good shape.
I found a site that gives you a listing of the health stores and organic stores in your area, check it out , that store should become your number one store, no more cheap junk for you or your family, your health is priceless, don't poison it anymore. The website is
Eat healthy, live happy. That is our slogan from now on, right?

March 6, 2010


Today is day 34 in my husband's water fast marathon, he feels great, but misses food tremendously.
He is active, alert, and has more energy then before. We are hopping that the next few days will be as easy as today.
He did the Salt Water Flush again today, still cleansing and still evacuating toxins.
We are looking forwards to the 40th day, how about you?

March 5, 2010


Only 7 days to go, and this journey will be over.
These last 33 days were full of downs, but just few ups. My husband's experience during the Water Fast was tough and enduring, he struggled with fatigue and weakness, he had to do a Salt Water Flush from time to time to help evacuate what his body had accumulated during the healing process. Now few days away from the deadline all his goals look like achieved, and best of all he showed a lot of courage, patience and dedication, to go trough such a difficult experience without quitting.
For all of you that are still thinking that a 40 days Water Fast is extreme and impossible to do, think twice because now you have lived with us day by day until day 33, so may be you can do it to.

March 4, 2010


Day 32, another tough day, 8 long days to go.
It is becoming very difficult to not think about food, my husband can't take it any longer, he misses food beyond description, and can't wait to enjoy one of my specialties.
I have an advice for everybody, no matter who you are , how you are, what you have or not have, and no matter what your complains are, be happy with what God gave you, it is important that you re-conciliate with your self, being sick or overweight is most of the time complicated with stress and low self esteem, don't be mad at yourself, react by taking matters into you own hands and getting back in shape, that is a positive anger, an effective anger. Try to hang on to the good things in your life, be healthy for yourself and your family, do a Master Cleanse, a Water fast , or a 3 S Diet, make the necessary changes to feel better, and feel young again.

March 3, 2010


How about that ? the deadline is March 12, my husband can't wait for this to be over, and now that we are really counting the days, they seam getting longer and longer every day.
Remember what was his goal at the beginning of this journey?
-Lose 70 pounds.
-Heal Eczema/Psoriasis
-Recover mobility and significantly reduce his back pain.
So far this is what happened:
-He lost 50 pounds.
-His eczema/psoriasis is almost healed.
-His back pain is present from time to time not constant anymore and minor.
The results few days away from 40 days are more then satisfying, my husband is very happy with what he accomplished so far and can't wait to enjoy a good homemade meal.

March 2, 2010


30 days of water fast, 30 days without any food, nothing but water, most people will say that it is crazy risky and completely suicidal to stay without food even for few days, you now what i respond to that , ignorance, people talk without knowledge, what can actually save your live is qualified as deadly, my husband stayed without food for 30 days now and still 10 days to go, and we are sharing with you his daily experience to prove that 40 days of water fast is the best thing you can do to feel young again.
Today is a regular day, no complains, he is looking forward to start eating again.

March 1, 2010

Help Your Kids Be Healthy

Isn't it sad that nowadays, our kids have to struggle with heath problems that none of us had to deal with when we were there age?
Everything around them is designed to make them sick from their birth. Before they reach puberty, they are already loaded with toxins, addicted to food and taking treatment for a chronic illness.
But who is responsible for this? We are. 
As parents we signed up for the most challenging responsibility, that is protecting our kids and providing them with the best care we can.
When you are in a supermarket, and you child screams for sweets, what do you do? Buy him what he wants, right. The problem is, it is like helping him jump from a high building, the only difference is, you will not see him get hurt on the spot. Most of us didn't start having health issues or weight problems until we became adults, we can't blame our parents now, but our kids are suffering in front of our eyes, we have to do something and give them a chance to have a normal childhood before it is too late.
Switch to a healthy lifestyle, be an example for your kids, and do what you can to help them have a normal life.

Healthy and Beautiful

Wouldn't be great if you can put make up on without damaging your skin?
I mentioned in my post about Acne, that one of the rules to heal and cure acne is to stop using chemicals to hide your skin imperfections, and if you absolutely have to use makeup , at least use a natural healthy one.
The good news is, i found a healthy natural makeup brand, it is Nicole Miller by Melaleuca.

They use healthy ingredients that will not only hide the imperfections but also heal them, what more to ask for a healing makeup. My advice to all women that use makeup, don't, but if you really have to, choose wisely, try melaleuca the prices are actually not bad, and if you become a preferred customer you will get 30% of all their products, and remember healthy is better, and don't damage now what you can't fix later.
To learn about them go to Melaleuca site under health stores label, and if you are interested in becoming a member all you have to do is email me at and i will help you with that. 


Today is a regular day, my husband is getting closer and closer to achieve something unusual, brave and impossible to do for most of us.
One thing is certain, he will probably never do this again, so the trick after all this is over, is to ovoid all the mistakes that we all do, stay away from the unhealthy lifestyle that pushed him to forbid himself from one of our lives most precious pleasers, food.
The key to have a healthy body is moderation, if you abuse it you will loose it, for example, if you overload on hyperglycemic foods you will get diabetes, our bodies are designed to work with limits, don't overuse your body, you will damage it, and you will have to live on permanent restrictions, witch is a lot more difficult then moderation.
Take care of your body, it is yours after all, it is not somebody else's.