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February 23, 2010

Healthy Breakfast in a Cup

Have you seen the walt-Disney movie Wall-E ?
The movie has a good point, remember when i said that we became consumers, consuming what ever is given to us, we actually buy and consume things that we don't even want or like, we are driven to do it by what is called advertisement. This powerful marketing tool, brain washes us into believing that we need, want, and can't live without a useless sometimes harmful product. Our way of life is making us less human, by becoming consumers we just go on consuming without giving our body a chance of ever getting up and becoming humans again. 
They invented junk food to get us addicted, then came the big size better value concept, bigger is better, then 2 for the price of one, then unlimited refills of drinks, then God knows what else. And best of all Drive-Troughs, how cool is that? you don't even need to move anymore. The food became corrupted , nothing is good for us anymore. Who said that Progress is good? progress is what made us miserable, they took simple rich healthy and perfect food, replaced it with plastic tasteless poison junk and got us addicted to it. 
You know what i think, enough is enough, we are not buying junk anymore we are investing in our health from now on, are you with me?
Trust me, it is simple, no rocket science here, all you have to do is, stop eating poison and you will feel better. Our bodies are designed to be healthy, just give it some help and let it do the work.
In the movie they showed humans as plain consumers, but nothing human in them, they weren't even eating anymore, just sipping trough a straw of what ever was provided to them, that is extremely inhuman.
What i am sharing with you today is quit the opposite of that, i am going to give you an example of what actually helped me lose weight and feel great. 
What do i take for breakfast?
The first S of The 3 S Diet is for SHAKE. That is the healthy breakfast in a cup.
It is yummy, comes in different flavors, provides you with vitamins, proteins, and everything you need to jump start your day, and best of all helps you lose weight.
Let me ask you a question, how much do you pay for breakfast? Do you actually now how much do you spend for your usual unhealthy first meal? My healthy breakfast fully loaded with all the fuel that i need to feel great and lose weight, actually cost me $2, can you top that?
Only two dollars for a satisfying healthy meal with 19 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

It comes in seven different flavors, my family's favorite is Cookies&Cream, i blend it with Banana , water and ice, my kids actually beg me for it.
Try it you will see the difference yourself.

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